Monthly Archives: April 2008

Syncretic Traditions

The Kali Temple in Pavagadh, Gujarat has a dargah on top of it.This is the dargah of a Saint who was a devotee of the diety.

The temple draws devotees from all over.Everyone who comes to the temple goes through to its vimana, and seeks the blessings of the Saint.

Pavagadh is an important center of worship in the Hindu tradition.The Shakti or Goddess cult is very actively practiced here and it is said that this is one of the places where Sati’s body fell when the enraged Lord Shiva’s Tandav was interrupted by Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra. (See Shakti Peethas)

The ancient town of Pavagadh or Champaner is in the Panchmahals Disctrict of Gujarat, which is today one of it’s most communally torn provinces.

More on Pavagadh.


Our last rendezvous at IRC Pakistan was bad because the Pakistan room debars political conversation.Actually, so does the Bangladesh Room.

The reasons for this could be that most people who come here are either have really politically fraught lives that they don’t want to discuss them, or that they are ignorant about politics and therefore the distaste.

Agents of International intrigue Screen Sifar and Saint Light Storm will be making an appearance on the IRC Dalnet Network at 10pm Indian Standard Time today.

We will start at the Debates Room.



Basic IRC Commands.